The ASR Sales Team
Our specialist sales team, led by Verity Hunt, make sure that client needs for research, bespoke analysis and face-to-face contact are met on a timely basis.
Milestream Consultants - Australia Sales
UK Sales
Global Head of Sales

Verity Hunt is the Head of Sales for ASR and has been rated in the top 3 of the Macro Specialist Sales category (often in the #1 position) by Extel in the Global and European Economic and Strategy categories every year since 2003.
Specialist Sales

Carly Beattie started her career at Dresdner Kleinwort, spending 6 years on the highly ranked European Equity Sales desk, before moving to Evolution Securities as a Director in Equity Sales.
Specialist Sales

Beth McCann joined ASR in February 2010 and was previously a member of the European equities sales team at Nat West Markets.
James Warden
Specialist Sales
Demetri Nikolias
Specialist Sale
US Sales
Managing Director, ASRS

Jeff Marine is responsible for developing and managing ASR’s institutional investor client business in North America. He previously worked for Merrill Lynch, Nomura and HSBC in Multi-Asset/Equity Sales and Corporate Finance in New York and London.
Rob DeLuca
Specialist Sales
Rob DeLuca joined ASR after 5 1/2 years at Eurasia Group. He has over 20 years of experience Trading FX, Fixed income, and Macro at several Banks and Hedge Funds. Rob also spent six years as a Managing Director at Medley Global Advisors, where he was a macro strategist responsible for providing monetary, political, and strategic insights to hedge funds and institutional investment clients.
Milestream Consulting (Australia Sales)
Head of AU Sales

Luke MacRedmond is head of ASR’s Australasian business. His prior experience includes portfolio management roles in London and Dublin and senior executive positions for HSBC Asset Management and Challenger Financial Services in Australia.
Specialist Sales

Simon Calder has extensive experience in economic forecasting and research, investment strategy, and public policy analysis. Prior to joining ASR, Simon held roles with major global asset consultant Mercer, National Australia Bank, Australian stockbroker JB Were & Son and the Australian Treasury. Simon has qualifications in economics from Monash University and the University of New England.